Friday 24 February 2012

The battering ram of the law

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Perhaps one of the reasons why I am against modern economic systems is that is causes conflict. And I don't just mean with for instance what is going on in the middle east, it causes conflict on a micro scale as well.

You do something for someone and in many cases you have to fight to get payment from them for the service you provided. In many cases it is not out of ill intent that people do no not pay but rather due to economic circumstance. There just is not enou money going around for us to live happily ever after. The money systems do not work.

Even bartering and trading skills is not the answer. We are still living in a world that is service to self. We do things for the return on investment. But this is wrong thinking or perhaps misguided thinking. The return on investment for everything we do should really be the pleasure of doing it and not what we get in return. This is a different head space that we have available to live in.

For years now I have helped people with various things and perhaps the most fulfilling was to do with getting someones business up and running at no cost from me or intention of a reward. I simply enjoy the process... Now if I could do something like that full time and not worry about how i get my hands on food shelter clothing autos etc. I would be truly happy. Instead however I live in a world of greed, where everything is dictated to by rules and regulations that use a flawed economic system as the foundation.

It is no wonder this panet is a horrible pLace to live in at the best of times.

So what is going on?

My two cents on the matter: The legal systems as i see them have become tools of manipulation. It is no longer about integrity it is about who can deceive who to get as much reward as possible... And to control and direct the lives of others... This is not how it is supposed to be. That's my two cents, keep the change.

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